2491 Community Drive | Bath, PA 18014 | 610-759-9449

Public Works

Moore Township Craig A. Hoffman, Jr - Public Works Director
610-759-9449 ext. 3

Brandon Biery
Curt Cesanek
David Flick
Al Hawk
Joe Heatter
Stephen Markley
Anthony Schmoyer
Spencer Tacker

The Public Works Department is responsible for repairing and maintaining approximately 110 miles of roadways This includes replacing drainage pipes across the roads, paving roadways, mowing along Township roadways and intersections, trimming tree limbs in the right-of-way, adding or replacing road signs, and maintaining dirt and gravel roadways which may include grading, stoning, and rolling.

Trees located along the roadside can cause many issues, including limbs hanging into the roadway, which could impair sight distance when trying to pull out of intersections. When wet or covered in snow and ice, branches can hang low causing traffic to drive around them into oncoming traffic or under them potentially causing damage to vehicles. When Township trucks are trying to remove snow from the road and branches are low, the branches may cause damage to overhead lights, mirrors, and sides of the truck. While a tree may be out of the Township right-of-way, branches may encroach into the right-of-way and roadway. Throughout the year, the Public Works Department will trim roadside trees to remove these obstructions as the schedule permits. Public Works will trim back to the right-of-way at a height deemed safe for cars and trucks to pass safely.

Moore Township
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