2491 Community Drive | Bath, PA 18014 | 610-759-9449

Appalachian Park

Appalachian Park The Moore Township Appalachian Park is located at the based of the Blue Mountain off of Skunk Road. There are 168 acres of parkland for passive recreation, hiking and just plain enjoyment of the outdoors. There are various trails to hike where distances vary depending on the amount of hiking you want to do. With help from the Northampton County Municipal Park Development Program, a mini shelter was built in 2019 giving visitors an opportunity to relax or picnic at the park.

Take some time out of your busy schedule and enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings of the Blue Mountain right here in your backyard. The map shows various trails that are available for your enjoyment.

Eagle Scout Project at Appalachian Trail Park
In the early part of 2013, the Moore Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) had been given the responsibility of overseeing the operation of the Appalachian Trail Park by the Moore Township Supervisors. Upon inspection of the park, the EAC realized that the trails needed repair and the markers needed to be replaced.

When Jason Maron, a Boy Scout from Troop 93 in Northampton, made a request to both the EAC and the Board of Supervisors to groom, mark, and re-establish the existing trails at the park as his Eagle Scout project, his timing could not have been better. Jason was given approval by both the EAC and supervisors to proceed with his project. First, Jason had new colored metal markers made to correspond with the pre-existing trail map. Jason then organized and supervised his fellow Boy Scouts to carry out the task at hand. The colored markers were placed on trees along the trails in clear sight of one another. Previously, the markers were only visible when moving in one direction on the trail. Now markers have been installed so they could be seen when traveling in either direction on the trails. Any hanging branches that obstructed the trail were cut back and debris along the trails was removed. The project was completed in August of 2013. The Moore Township Board of Supervisors and the EAC would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Jason on the completion of his Eagle Scout project and thank him for a job well done.

Moore Township
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