2491 Community Drive | Bath, PA 18014 | 610-759-9449


Moore Township Historical Commission
Jesse Longley - Chairperson / Secretary
Maryellen Miller - Vice Chairman
Bob Fedeo
Janice Graver
Janet Kline
Edward Marshall
Kim Silfies
Sandra Eckhart
Arthur Edelman - Associate Member
Helene Mery - Associate Member

A short history of the formation of Moore Township

In 1765, a large swath of land north of Bethlehem, between Easton and Northampton (what is now Allentown), and nestled against the Blue Mountains, was officially incorporated into the township of Moore. It was named after John Moore, a member of the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly from 1761 to 1762.

A decade earlier, around 200 American Indians swarmed over the mountains leaving behind a trail of death and chaos. Estimates of 100 to 200 settlers were slain in Northampton County, and hundreds more were displaced. Homes and farms were burned, livestock was slain, crops were destroyed. Settlers from this region of the county, what would become Moore Township, fled inland into Nazareth and Bethlehem and Easton. William Parsons, one of the Justices of the Peace at Easton, wrote to Benjamin Franklin, who had founded the Philadelphia Associators in 1747, to bring his expertise and a few companies of men, along with arms, ammunition, and provisions, north to help calm the people of his county: "Pray, do something or give some order for our speedy relief, or the whole country will be entirely ruined...This is my real opinion, for all the Country is flying before them and no means are employed to stop them."

Ten years after the founding of Moore Township, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired on the Lexington Green, April 19, 1775. The Northampton County Committee of Observation and Inspection-the local military wing of the new Continental government that had taken over the Court House in Easton in the winter of 1774-ordered that all men able should associate into militia companies and that returns should be made of all companies from every township. From Moore, 106 men joined the rank of the military Association electing Adam Bruckhauser as Captain and Timothy Reed as Lieutenant.

Between 1765 and today, so much has occurred in and around this small community leaving lasting impressions on its landscape today. A group of local men and women, united in purpose, formed a Historical Commission under the guidance of former Township supervisors Dick Gable and David Tashner, to bring that history to life for the community.

For those interested in assisting these efforts, the Township is looking for information to construct a narrative history of the Township. Donations are most welcome. The Township is looking for artifacts, photos, letters, uniforms, and family histories. If photos or documents are too precious to be donated, please consider contacting the Historical Commission so scans of documents or photos can be made. Likewise, clear photographs of any artifacts that might interest the Commission are acceptable if the artifacts themselves are too precious or personal with which to part.

Edelman School House
The Township purchased the Edelman School House in 2013 and began restoration shortly thereafter. Any volunteers interested in donating time and/or material to the restoration project can contact the Historical Commission. In addition, the Township is collecting any and all materials related to the schoolhouse.

Moore Township
© 2021 Moore Township
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