2491 Community Drive | Bath, PA 18014 | 610-759-9449

Land and Environmental Protection

Moore Township Mission Statement
Recognizing quality of life is linked to a healthy environment, the Land and Environmental Protection Board (LEPB) advises the Moore Township Board of Supervisors in ways to reduce the use of, and impact on, our community's natural resources through a comprehensive and continuous review of best practices and innovations.

The LEPB explores and promotes ways to establish a more environmentally sustainable community by fostering environmental education and championing natural resource conservation to embrace the long-range value of the environment to the people of Moore Township. The Board, formed in 2018 when the Land Preservation Board and Environmental Advisory Council merged, makes recommendations to implement and accomplish the goals of the Open Space Plan.

Land and Environmental Protection Board
Robert Romano - Chairman
Maureen Romano - Vice Chairperson
Lois Kerbacher - Secretary
Robert Fehnel
Craig Hoffman
Peter Locke
John Nierer
William Poser
Thomas Roberts


Recycling Centers
Please click HERE to access a list of local places to recycle.
Please call or click the following links as Met-Ed and PPL will recycle your major appliances:
Met-Ed - 1-888-277-0527 www.energysavePA.com
PPL - 1-877-486-9204 www.pplelectricsavings.com

Moore Township
© 2021 Moore Township
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