2491 Community Drive | Bath, PA 18014 | 610-759-9449

Parks & Recreation

Moore Township NOTICE: In June, July, and August, the Recreation Commission meetings will be held at the Pavillion located at the Moore Township Recreation Center, 635 English Road, Bath, PA 18014, on the third Thursday of each month at 7PM.

Moore Township provides opportunities for both passive and active recreational activities through its parks. These parks are the Appalachian Park, Recreation Center, and Schiavone Park. Please visit each page to learn more about the recreational activities afforded by each park.

The Recreation Commission is composed of seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a term of five years. The goal of the Commission is to provide and conduct recreational and cultural activities and maintain public recreation areas, facilities, and centers.

Recreation Commission
Jodi Hartzell - Chairperson
Julie Poniktera - Vice Chairperson
Karris Pennington - Secretary
Joi Adams
David Ball
Robert Bealer
Ron Silfies

Moore Township
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